The news

Director: Matti Goeschonneck
2006, 90 min

Grimme Prize 2006
Best Screenplay, Best Director

Prefabricated building Zelewski

Location Apartment Zelewski

Set apartment Zelewski

Set Neubrandenburg train station

Set Neubrandenburg train station

Location Bahnhofswirtschaft

Station restaurant set

Kiosk Neubrandenburg

Neubrandenburgische Allgemeine Zeitung

Set Office Neubrandenburgische Allgemeine Zeitung

Set office Raschke

Set Reichelt office

Set mirror conference room

Mirror office Theissen

Blöger office set

Set office TV director

News control room

News Studio

Margaret’s father, who only paints the sea

Location Landers Loft

Set Lnders Loft

Screenplay Alexander Osang
Director Matti Geschonneck
Camera Wedigo von Schultzendorff
Szenenbild Benedikt Herforth
Costume Ute Hofinger
Cut Inge Behens
production Network Movie
Producer Jutta Lieck-Klenke
Jan LandersJan Josef Liefers
Doris TheyssenDagmar Manzel
Carsten ZelewskiHenry Hübchen
Thomas RaschkeUwe Kockisch
Margarethe BeerNina Kunzendorf
Charlie GrundmannUdo Samel
Bernhard BlögerThomas Thieme
ReicheltHerbert Feuerstein