Oktoberfest 1900

Blood and beer
TV series
Director: Hannu Salonen
2 x 90 min

German Academy for Television (DAfF)
Production design, won

German Television Award
Best Equipment Fiction, nominated

German Television Award
Best multi-part, won

Outdoor set 3d overview

Outdoor Model

Construction in Prague

3D stall street

Set stall street

Sketch of the Cinematograph

Set Cinematograph

3D stall street offside

Set stall street offside

Hustle and bustle in front of the stalls …

… Tristesse dahinter

3D Prank Tent

Set Prank Tent


Prank Tent Outside Set

3d studio setup

Setup Studio

Set Prank Tent Studio

Draft Deibel Bräu

Sketch Hof Brewery

Set Hof Deibel Bräu

Deibel Bräu Sudhaus

Deibel Bräu Warehouse

Deibel Bräu Granary

Oida Deibel Tavern

ScriptRonny Schalk
DirectorHannu Salonen
CameraFelix Cramer
Production designBenedikt Herforth, Astrid Poeschke
CostumeMichaela Horejsí
VFX SupervisorLavaLabs
CutRonny Mattas
MusicMichael Klaukien
ProductionZeitsprung Pictures
Role Cast
Curt Prank Mišel Matičević
Maria Hoflinger Martina Gedeck
Roman Hoflinger Klaus Steinbacher
Clara Prank Mercedes Müller
Colina Kandl Brigitte Hobmeier
Anatol Stifter Maximilian Brückner
Ignatz Hoflinger Francis Fulton-Smith
Alfred Glogauer Martin Feifel
Inspector Eder Eisi Gulp
et al.